Domestic violence is a huge issue in India. Systems of poverty lend themselves to problems in the home. So when Titus approached Andy and I about doing the domestic violence class for the women at his church, I felt called to this and had to say yes.
For years I have been very passionate about helping and informing about domestic violence. To prepare for teaching the class, I gathered information from a women’s shelter where I serve and traveled with our group, ready to share my experiences.
It was an amazing thing for Andy (my husband) and I to do together. As usual it was very emotional for me, but I believe the women really felt our hope for changes with the domestic violence problem. It was a very different presenting this information in India versus America as they do not have the same support networks such as shelters in place for victims. One thing Andy and I took away from the class was that the culture in India is very strong in the belief that these women are not to reach out to anybody about their abuse. Abuse is to remain hidden, and therefore it s associated with shame. We believe our class provided some insight to them that might alter their view of domestic violence and may be just the beginning of breaking the cycle of domestic abuse. The women have approached our local contact about providing additional information on the prevention of domestic violence. It has made me wonder if this might be a way we can grow support.
One of our dreams is to add a space through local contacts to provide shelter for these women. This is a tangible way we can step in and accompany our network in India to make real-life changes to women in India.
-Renie Bjorklund
